Classic Cars

Celebrating 50 years of classic Fords

Ford is celebrating 50 years of the Saarlouis factory in Germany. These glorious archive photos of classic Fiestas, Escorts and Capris tell its story

Official: 30-year-old cars are classic

What exactly is a classic? It's now thought that 30 years of age is a safe bet to call your car historic, but it has to be in good condition

The classic cars that gained and lost money in 2019

In spite of turbulent political and economic events making for an unsteady market, some classic cars proved great investments last year.

Classic cars converted to electric ‘are not historic’

FIVA – as an organisation dedicated to the preservation and protection of historic vehicles – says it cannot support classic cars converted to electric.

Thinking about investing in a classic car? Seek legal advice first, warns solicitor

Because rogue traders don't just deal in cheap runarounds...

The coolest classic and retro cars in Frankfurt

From classic German metal to Italian exotica, here are some of the classic cars on display at the 2019 Frankfurt Motor Show

In pictures: classic Jaguars for the road and racetrack

We visit the showroom and workshops of Woodham Mortimer, a world-leading specialist in classic Jaguars and historic motorsport

Inside Ford’s secret retro and classic car collection

From Cortinas to Cosworths, we explore a ramshackle warehouse in Dagenham stuffed with retro and classic Fords

Brexit for classics: UK cars leaving for Europe

The weak pound is benefiting EU classic car collectors, with a 'noticeably higher than average' sale rate of cars shipped to European countries.

Is this the new way to spot future classic cars?

“Nostalgia isn’t what it used to be,” reads a press release from independent car auction specialist, G3 Remarketing. It thinks the way classics earn...