‘The Stig’ delivers Jeremy Clarkson petition to the BBC… in a tank

Nearly 1m signatures on petition handed to Top Gear bosses

'The Stig' delivers Jeremy Clarkson petition to the BBC... in a tank

‘The Stig’ has delivered a petition with nearly one million signatures to the BBC in a bid to get Clarkson reinstated following his ‘fracas’ with a producer.

Someone dressed as Top Gear’s tame racing driver caused scenes in London today by posing on top of a moving tank, as it took to the streets of Central London.

At the time of writing, the petition, set up by political blogger Guido Fawkes, is just over 8,000 signatures short of the one million mark.

It comes after Clarkson reportedly alleged that he’d been sacked, and told his charity gala audience that Top Gear used to be great, but ‘bosses had f***** it up’.

The BBC is refusing to confirm rumours that Clarkson has been sacked, saying BBC Scotland head Ken MacQuarrie is considering the evidence and a verdict will be reported next week.

Previous Stigs, Ben Collins and Perry McCarthy have both spoken out this week, disagreeing about whether Top Gear needs Clarkson.

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Andrew Brady
Andrew Brady
Web editor at MR. Drives a 2005 Toyota MR2. Has a penchant for the peculiar.



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