The cars of Boris Johnson and other British prime ministers

As Boris Johnson prepares to collect the keys to No. 10, we look at the cars UK politicians enjoy driving – or being driven in.

Boris Johnson

As Boris Johnson returns to No. 10 after his general election victory, we look at how the prime minister may choose to travel. These are the cars of British politicians.

Boris Johnson: Mitsubishi Outlander PHEVBoris Johnson

As we can see here, Boris was an early supporter of Tesla. The Lotus-based Roadster was the breakout electric marque’s first model more than 10 years ago. If Mr Johnson saw into the future then, can he do so again in 2020 and beyond?

Boris Johnson: Tesla RoadsterBoris Johnson

As we can see here, Boris was an early supporter of Tesla. The Lotus-based Roadster was the breakout electric marque’s first model more than 10 years ago. If Mr Johnson saw into the future then, can he do so again in 2020 and beyond?

Boris in Transit

Boris Johnson and Ford Transit

If we’re honest, we don’t see the right honourable BoJo as a white van man. He’ll be glad that he doesn’t need a Ford Transit to clear his possessions out of No. 10, though.

Boris and a Tranny

Boris Johnson and Ford Transit

Mr Johnson does seem to be a fan of Britain’s most popular van, mind. We wonder if he has one in the Downing Street garage, next to a collection of Jaguar limousines.

Boris goes electric

Boris Johnson and Renault Fluence ZE

Whatever you think of our controversial PM, he is very pro eco car and has been for some time. Here, he poses with an all-electric Renault Fluence ZE.

Theresa May: BMW 7 SeriesTheresa May

In her role as Home Secretary, Theresa May was often seen arriving at Number 10 in an armoured BMW 7 Series. She was forced to give up the 7 Series when she became PM, switching to a Jaguar XJ.

The Prime Ministerial XJThe Prime Ministerial XJ

In the twilight hours of the current XJ’s life, it retains its role as the Prime Minister’s wheels – a job it’s had since it was introduced. With an electric XJ due soon, it’ll be interesting to see whether an armoured version is built for future PMs.

David Cameron: Williams Advanced EngineeringDavid Cameron

Williams Advanced Engineering is credited with the development of the Jaguar C-X75, Dendrobium D1 and most recently, the Lotus Evija. And it all started in 2014 with David Cameron. The then-PM cut the ribbon to open the new Williams R&D division.

David Cameron: the two-millionth MiniDavid Cameron

Cameron had plenty of dealings with the motor industry while he was at No. 10. He even tried the two-millionth new Mini on for size when it was built back in 2011.

Jaguar XJJaguar XJ

Nonetheless, he’d always end up back in an XJ. The big Jag was also used by Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and John Major. In fact, the relationship between Jaguar and Downing Street goes back many years, stemming from a time when Jaguar was still a British-owned company.

Rover P5BOrder, order: the cars of British politicians

Prior to that, high-ranking government offices and Prime Ministers would have been seen in the majestic Rover P5B. The uniquely-British saloon car was powered a 3.5-litre V8 engine sourced from Buick, hence the ‘B’ in P5B. Sir Edward Heath, James Callaghan, Baroness Margaret Thatcher and Harold Wilson (seen here) all made use of a P5B while in office.

David Cameron: Honda CR-VOrder, order: the cars of British politicians

Of course, our Prime Ministers have a life outside of Number 10 and many would have owned cars prior to being elected to the biggest job in the land. Indeed, during a visit to the Honda factory at Swindon, David Cameron told staff how much he missed driving his Honda CR-V.

David Cameron: Nissan MicraOrder, order: the cars of British politicians

In May 2016, David Cameron hit the headlines when he bought his wife Samantha an ageing 2004 Nissan Micra. He paid £1,500 for the 90,000-mile Micra and drove it home from a used car dealer near his home in Oxfordshire. We suspect Mrs Cameron was delighted with the car.

Nigel Farage: Volvo V70 (sort of)Order, order: the cars of British politicians

Nigel Farage, leader of the Brexit Party, owns an old tank. No, not the one pictured, but a 59-plate Volvo V70.

Nicola Sturgeon: Jaguar XJOrder, order: the cars of British politicians

Nicola Sturgeon doesn’t own a car, but the leader of the SNP does perform her ministerial duties by making use of a Jaguar XJ.

Natalie Bennett: car clubOrder, order: the cars of British politicians

As you may have guessed, the leader of the Green Party, Natalie Bennett, doesn’t own a car either, preferring to ride a bicycle or take the train. We also understand she’s a member of a car club.

Leanne Wood: Volkswagen PassatOrder, order: the cars of British politicians

We understand Leanne Wood, leader of Plaid Cymru, drives a Volkswagen Passat. #TogetherStronger and stuff.

Boris Johnson: Toyota PreviaOrder, order: the cars of British politicians

In 2014, the new prime misister was pictured filling his ageing Toyota Previa with fuel. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, we fully endorse running a car on a budget. But surely the former Mayor of London should have been out riding one of his Boris Bikes?

Ed Miliband: Ford FocusOrder, order: the cars of British politicians

Remember when Ed Miliband came under fire for having his green Ford Focus washed for him? No, neither do we. But we suspect Ed has got other things on his mind this week. Best leave that bird poo stain for another week, eh?

Nick Clegg: Ford GalaxyOrder, order: the cars of British politicians

In a Galaxy far, far away… In 2014, former Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg told listeners of a radio station that he owned ‘a second-hand Ford Galaxy, not in prime condition’, before going on to claim he really wanted an electric people carrier. May we humbly suggest the Tesla Model S with the optional two extra seats in the boot? Perfect.

Gordon Brown: Vauxhall Omega CDOrder, order: the cars of British politicians

Gordon Brown caught the eye when he became Prime Minister in 2007 by refusing to give up his Vauxhall Omega CD. Despite promising to chop it in for a Toyota Prius, he still owned it nine months later. Sadly, he did eventually give up on this austerity measure by upgrading to a 4.2-litre Jaguar XJ.

Alan Clark: Jaguar SS100Order, order: the cars of British politicians

The late Alan Clark was a former Conservative MP who served under the governments of Margaret Thatcher and John Major. As well as a published author, he was also known for his love of cars and he owned a beautiful Jaguar SS100 similar to this one. He was often seen driving away from the House of Commons in the old Jag.

Ann Widdecombe: Ford FocusOrder, order: the cars of British politicians

OK, we don’t actually know if Ann Widdecombe has ever actually owned a Ford Focus, but we suspect not. But any excuse for us to use this photo is fine by us.

Sir Winston Churchill: Land Rover Series IOrder, order: the cars of British politicians

This is probably the most British photograph you’ll see today. Sir Winston Churchill and a Land Rover Series I. Superb.

John Prescott: ‘two Jags’Order, order: the cars of British politicians

Whatever else John Prescott does with his life, he will always be remembered for having two Jags. Famously nicknamed ‘Two Jags’, the former Deputy Prime Minister had one Jaguar in his Hull consistency and another Jag — an XJS — in London. The latter of which he sold on Auto Trader in 2014.

Chris Huhne: TeslaOrder, order: the cars of British politicians

This is Chris Huhne at the wheel of a Tesla Roadster. He was driving it as part of an Eco Rally. That’s about all we can say.

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