Callum: famous Jaguar designer’s new venture announced

Freshly retired from Jaguar, the man who styled the firm’s cars for the past 20 years has opened a new design and engineering business called Callum.

CALLUM Founders Adam Donfrancesco, Ian Callum, Tom Bird, David FairbairnIan Callum CBE, design chief of Jaguar for the past two decades, has announced his latest venture: Callum, a new design and engineering business based in Warwick.

The news follows Callum’s recent retirement from Jaguar, and is the next stage in a storied career that already includes prominent roles at Ford, TWR and Aston Martin.


The Callum business will focus on bespoke and limited edition products, but will not be limited to automotive. It will also encompass the broader design, lifestyle and travel sectors.

Founding members include Callum himself as design director, plus former Jaguar colleagues David Fairbairn as programme director, Adam Donafrancesco as engineering director, and Tom Bird as commercial director.

The full launch team comprises 18 people whose experience includes art, audio, automotive, fashion, lifestyle and motorsport.

Ian Callum CBE

“I wanted to get back to the essence of creativity,” said Callum: “the challenge of producing something wonderful and personal.

“To design the alternative has always been my mantra, but always the beautiful alternative and something to enjoy.

“In today’s modern world, collaboration is the catalyst for new ideas, and this is our ethos and inspiration, both within our team and as we look to work with partners in the future.”

The new business, he added, will focus on “journeys to destinations, and all that encompasses”.

Ian Callum sketching

Based in a new 20,000 square-foot base in Warwick, the new Callum business is already equipped with high-end design, engineering and manufacturing facilities. The aim is to both design and build projects in-house.

“We love what we do,” said Fairbairn, “and we have the passion, collective experience and know-how to create some very special, diverse products across design, lifestyle and travel.”

News of the first Callum project will be announced in the next few weeks.

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Richard Aucock
Richard Aucock
Richard is director at Motoring Research. He has been with us since 2001, and has been a motoring journalist even longer. He won the IMCO Motoring Writer of the Future Award in 1996 and the acclaimed Sir William Lyons Award in 1998. Both awards are run by the Guild of Motoring Writers and Richard is currently vice chair of the world's largest organisation for automotive media professionals. Richard is also a juror and Steering Committee director for World Car Awards and the UK juror for the AUTOBEST awards.


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