Can you share a car under 2021 Covid rules?

We examine what the current coronavirus rules mean for offering lifts and sharing a car – and also for taking a taxi.

Car sharing

The full lifting of coronavirus restrictions in England may have been delayed by four weeks – from 21 June to 19 July 2021 – but the rules on sharing a car are now less limiting than during the official lockdowns.

The government says: ‘When car sharing, you should only travel in groups of no more than six people, or two households, unless you are travelling for a reason that is exempt.’

Ways you can reduce the risk of infection when sharing a car include:

  • Sharing transport with the same people on every journey
  • Minimising the size of the group
  • Opening windows for ventilation
  • Travelling side by side or behind other people, rather than facing them
  • Facing away from each other
  • Using seating arrangements to maximise distance between the car’s occupants
  • Cleaning the vehicle between journeys
  • Asking the driver and passengers to wear a face mask

Rules for taking a taxi

Driving with a mask on

There are different rules for sharing a taxi or minicab. Again, you are limited to a group of six people from different households, or no more than two households for a larger group.

However, you must wear a face mask unless you are exempt. Failure to do so could result in a fine – and the driver is entitled to refuse entry to the vehicle. You should also pay via a contactless card if possible.

Click here to find out the local coronavirus restrictions in England. There are different restrictions in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


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Gavin Braithwaite-Smith
Gavin Braithwaite-Smith
Writer with a penchant for #FrenchTat. Owns 15 vehicles of varying degrees of terribleness. Also doing a passable impression of Cousin Eddie in an Italian-German beige motorhome. Doesn't get out much.


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