Best Way To Pack A Car For Your Holidays: Top Tips

Driving out to your holidays soon? Thinking twice about how you pack your luggage could save your life as well as luggage space.

Seat AronaWe don’t often think to hard about how we pack the boot of a car with luggage before we go on holiday. The sheer xcitement means the process isn’t completed with the precision it deserves.

Car maker Seat, however, is adamant more methodical packing could save you boot space – and could even save your life.

The KonMari Method (famously developed by Marie Kondo) utilises three steps to get the best out of your luggage space. They are as follows:

  1. De-clutter – remove any items you can do without.
  2. Pack smart – folding and rolling clothing cleverly can save you space. Box up all the loose bits, too.
  3. Categorise – put essentials within reach in the car, and maximise boot space by packing suitcases vertically.

The video above explains all. It certainly sounds like just about enough to save you a bit of space in the boot, but your life? Indeed.

An efficiently packed boot is a tightly packed boot, which shouldn’t feature any loose items that could go flailing around the cabin in the event of an accident. 

“Life, in general, is very cluttered in the modern world. We constantly have to go through a de-cluttering process in order to keep a peaceful mind,” said Europe’s first certified KonMari consultant, Aline Lau.

“Many people now adopt Marie Kondo’s mindset in their homes but this is the first time we have used it to pack a car.

“We will automatically try to take too much with us on vacation but, by separating each item and categorising what we really need, we can be more efficient instead of trying to take everything from our lives with us on holiday.”

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Ethan Jupp
Ethan Jupp
I'm Content Editor at MR. Road trips music and movies are my vices. Perennially stuck between French hot hatches and Australian muscle cars.


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